
Love and Courage

Feature Film

Year: 2005
Director: Alice WANG
Scriptwriter: 徐憶樺
Producer: 許琳悅
Actor/Actress: HSIAO Shu-Shen , 安鈞璨 , 侯湘婷 , 易哲理 , 郭世倫 , 林如琦 , 岳少祺 , 何嘉儀
Others : Alice WANG(Cinematography) , 馬凱(Cinematography) , Pan Lun-Lin(Costume Designer) , 李紹榮(Gaffer) , TU Duu-chih(Sound Designer) , 楊志賢(Sound Designer)
Synopsis :
With Siao-lu’s classmate Yu-Tin’s (played by Gigi Lin) help Siao-lu finds coach Chang who trains disabled player. Siao-lu happens to know coach Chang...
Color : Color
Running time: 93 min
Language: Chinese
Film Type : Fiction
Genre : Romance , Inspirational
Posted date:2005/06/18