
The Story of The Stone

Feature Film

Year: 2018
Macchiato Digital Imaging Co., Ltd.
Director: Starr WU
Scriptwriter: 江彥呈 , Starr WU
Producer: Wu CHARLES
Executive Producer: Steven LIU
Actor/Actress: 紀言愷 , Aric CHEN , Golden Elephant , Tasi,Daniel , 陳睿纁 , 鍾唐綸 , 利晴天 , 榮宗豪 , 張嘉方 , 陳信力 , 謝理任 , 林冠宇 , 劉雨凱 , 陳彥廷
Others : 王香懿(Art Designer) , CHANG Cheng-Yueh(Cinematography) , 程盈綺(Costume Designer) , Starr WU(Editor)
Synopsis :
The story has been adapted from the classical novel of the same name, adapting the characters and events from the original story to life at Red House...
Color : Color
Running time: 103 min
Language: Chinese , English , Taiwan (Taiwanese) Taigi
Film Type : Fiction
Sales Contact : Macchiato Digital Imaging Co.,Ltd. - Eric CHOU
E cs98h040@gmail.com
M +886-919-300-733
Posted date:2018/06/25