
Bokeh Kosang


Bokeh Kosang (1980-) is an aboriginal from Taroko, Hualien. He graduated from Department of Music of Chinese Culture University, with a major in vocal music and a minor in piano. He started a career in theatre and starred in stage plays, musicals, and TV series. He drew attention and won Best Supporting Actor of Golden Horse Awards for his role as Hanaoka Ichiro in the movie Seediq Bale.


Year Title
2024 Hunter Brothers 
2018 High Flash 
2018 Taipei Film Festival - Closing Film
2015 Wawa No Cidal 
2015 Taipei Film Festival-Audience Choice Award
2015 Singapore International Film Festival-Opening Film
2015 ICFT-UNESCO Fellini Award Nomination
2015 Golden Horse Awards-Best Original Film Song
2012 Baseball Love 
2011 Seediq Bale: The Sun Flag 
Best Feature F ilm, 48th Golden Horse Awards
2011 Seediq Bale: The Rainbow Warriors 
Best Feature Film, 48th Golden Horse Awards

Posted date:2011/11/30