
A Fish Out of Water

Feature Film

Year: 2018
Rediron Films Co., Ltd. , Swallow Wings Film Co.,Ltd.
Director: Kuo-an LAI
Scriptwriter: Kuo-an LAI
Producer: HSU Chao-Jen , Kuo-an LAI , 吳子維
Executive Producer: Gene YAO , 廖介山
Actor/Actress: Jen-Shuo CHENG , Peggy Tseng , Junto PAI , Akio Chen , 瑤函沂
Others : WANG Chih-Cheng(Art Designer) , Jerry HSU(Cinematography) , WANG Kuan-Yi(Costume Designer) , Gene YAO(Editor) , Kuo-an LAI(Editor) , Silvia LIN(Editor) , Blaire Ko(Music)
Synopsis :
Yian, starting to go to kindergarten, often asks his parents to help him find his past life parents. However, doctors and his parents just think it...
Color : Color
Running time: 91 min
Language: Chinese , Taiwan (Taiwanese) Taigi
Film Type : Fiction
Festivals & Awards : 2017 Toronto International Film Festival-Discovery
2017 San Sebastien International Film Festival - New Director Competition
2017 San Diego Asian Film Festival
2017 Asia Pacific Screen Awards In Competition
2017 Filmfest Hamburg
Sales Contact : Swallow Wings Films
Albert Yao
T +886-2-2630-9548
E pacificoceansy@gmail.com
W www.swtwn.com
Posted date:2017/07/19