聽見歌 再唱

Listen Before You Sing

Feature Film

Year: 2021
Neverland Entertainment Limited
Director: Shine YANG
Scriptwriter: Shine YANG
Producer: TUNG Ssu-Mei
Executive Producer: Chang Fong-Mei , Wolf CHEN
Actor/Actress: Umin Boya , Ella CHEN
Others : LIAO Ping-Yi(Art Designer) , KWAN Pun-Leung(Cinematography) , KAO Hsien-Ling(Costume Designer) , GU Hsiao-Yun(Editor) , CHEN Hsiao-Tung(Editor) , CHUNG Cyong-Ting(Gaffer) , Szu-yi CHU(調光) , Agnes Yang(Sound Designer) , CHEN Chien-Chi(Music) , LO En-Ni(Music) , TANG Shiang-Chu(Production Sound Mixer) , CHU Shih-Yi(Production Sound Mixer) , Tomi KUO(Visual Effects)
Synopsis :
An elementary school located on the deep mountain is facing a crisis of being abolished due to population migration. The PE teacher is assigned to...
Color : Color
Running time: 113 min
Language: Chinese , Taiwan (Taiwan’s) Indigenous Languages
Film Type : Fiction
Genre : Inspirational
Sales Contact : Greener Grass Production Co., Ltd.
Patricia Y.H. CHEN
E yhc.patricia@gmail.com
M +886-922-077-729
Posted date:2021/02/20